Category Archives: Meetings

Synthesis meeting and field trip report

Posted by: Felix Halpaap, Photos by: Stéphane Rondenay

With SWaMMIS coming to an official end soon, we set off for the final project meeting on Sotra on Monday, 16 September. What a great time it’s been since the start nearly four years ago, and the meeting turned out to be a worthy conclusion!

Group photo at the Panorama Hotel

We checked in at the Panorama Hotel all the way at the southern tip of Sotra. Sotra is a narrow, north-south-stretching island made up of pre-Caledonian basement rocks, and separates Bergen from the open North Sea. Here, we were optimally located for our field trip to some world-class outcrops on the third day of the meeting. But first, we spent two days of exciting geoscientific discussions in a cozy conference room – away from any distractions except the view of the sea and rocks. Continue reading Synthesis meeting and field trip report

Synthesis meeting

Subduction zones Water and Metamorphism: a Modelling and Imaging Study (SWaMMIS) – Synthesis Meeting

Dates: 17-19 September 2018
Sotra & Holsnøy, Norway
Venue: Panorama Hotell

Håkon Olaf Austrheim (UiO)
Saskia Goes (Imperial College London)
Felix Halpaap (UiB)
Ritske Huismans (UiB)
Henk Keers (UiB)
Thomas Meier (Uni Kiel)
Florian Millet (Lyon-UiB)
Lars Ottemöller (UiB)
Stéphane Rondenay (UiB)
Christian Schiffer (Univ. of Durham/Uppsala Univ.)
Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi (UiB)
Hongliang Wang (UiB)
Sebastian Wolf (UiB)

17 September
10:00 Departure Bergen UiB Realfagbygget (Science Building)
11:00 Arrival Panorama Hotell
11:30 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Block 1 – Intro; Seismic imaging and observations
      – 13:00 Stéphane: Introduction and overview of SWaMMIS
      – 13:40 Felix: Earthquakes track the flow of fluids from slab source to mantle wedge sink
      – 14:20 Thomas: Variable spatio-temporal clustering of microseismicity in the Hellenic Subduction Zone as possible indicator for fluid migration
15:30-17:30 Block 2 – Seismic imaging and observations
      – 15:30 Hasbi: Characterisation of intraslab earthquakes in the Indo-Myanmar subduction zone
      – 16:10 Florian: Seismic imaging of subduction zones with 3-D Kirchhoff migration of receiver functions
16:50 Discussion
19:00 Dinner

18 September
9:00-10:30 Block 4 – Geodynamic modelling
      – 09:00 Hongliang: Modeling slab dehydration and fluid migration in subduction zones
      – 09:40 Saskia: Mantle wedge temperatures and their potential relation to volcanic arc location
11:00-12:30 Block 5 – Geodynamic modelling; Norwegian margin
      – 11:00 Sebastian: Factors controlling back-arc extension or overriding plate shortening ­ a numerical modeling study of ocean-continent subduction systems
      – 11:40 Ritske: Geodynamic modelling of the Norwegian margin
12:30 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Block 6 – Norwegian margin
      – 14:00 Håkon: Ancient earthquakes in the exhumed rocks of western Norway
      – 14:40 Christian: Fossil subduction structure beneath the periphery of the North Atlantic basin
      – 15:20 Lars: Seismicity of western Norway
16:30-18:00 Block 7 – Discussion, wrap-up
19:00 Dinner

19 September
Field excursion to the high pressure / ultra-high pressure rocks of Holsnøy

09:00-11:00 Boat transport to Holsnøy
11:00-16:30 Visit to several world-class geological localities of Holsnøy
16:30-18:00 Bus transport back to Bergen

Discussion groups

  1. Felix, Ritske, Christian, Hasbi
  2. Florian, Saskia, Hongliang, Lars, Henk
  3. Stéphane, Sebastian, Thomas, Håkon

Kick-off meeting

11-12 November 2014
Bergen, Norway

Håkon Austrheim, UiO
Chin-Wu Chen, National Taiwan University
Saskia Goes, Imperial College London
Felix Halpaap, UiB
Ritske Huismans, UiB
Henk Keers, UiB
Lars Ottemöller, UiB
Stéphane Rondenay, UiB
Kathrin Spieker, UiB
Ping Tong, University of Toronto

Tuesday 11 November (Realfagbygget 2134)
12:15 Lunch at Realfagbygget
– Stéphane: Introduction to SWaMMIS, objectives, research components, synergy, etc.
– Håkon: Petrological constraints on intraslab earthquakes
– Ritske: geodynamic modelling of subduction zones
– Saskia: converting thermo-chemical models into seismic properties
19:30 Dinner at Restaurant 1877

Wednesday 12 November (Realfagbygget 2134)
– Chin-Wu: Seismic imaging of subduction zones
– Lars: Earthquake location in subduction zones
12:00 Lunch at Hanne på Høyden
– Henk: Seismic waveform modelling and inversion
– Ping: Waveform modelling and inversion of receiver functions
– wrap-up by 16:00