Probing western Greece’s complex subduction system

Congratulations to Felix Halpaap on his new article Seismicity, Deformation, and Metamorphism in the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone: New Constraints From Tomography, which made the cover of this month’s issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth.

Western Greece hosts one of the world’s more intriguing and complex subduction systems. To the north, the subducting slab is buoyant continental crust; to the south, the subducting slab is denser oceanic crust. This study provides a detailed description of the transition from continental to oceanic subduction using state-of-the-art seismic imaging techniques on a large data set of local earthquakes. The results help us to better understand how and why fluid processes and seismicity change across the region.

To find out more, check out Felix’s article.